With the help of New Era University and Department of Education, we provide now free educational program for the out of school youth and adult. In just 10 months ALS students will be graduated if they will pass the ALS A&E Test and with the help of God there's nothing possible.
well let me introduce you about it..
Alternative Learning System or simply called "ALS" offers to help those out of school youth and adult to have a free study with the help of Instructional Managers, Facilitators, and Department of Education.
ALS aims to open more educational opportunities for Filipino citizens of different interests, capabilities of demographic characteristics, socioeconomic origins and status as well as addressing the needs of marginalized groups.
The program cuts the time needed to finish high school, hence, significantly cuts the expenses as well. Aside from giving hope to the less fortunate, it also provides opportunities to Out-of-School Youths (OSY) and adults elementary and secondary school drop-outs; industry-based workers; housewives; maids; factory workers; drivers; members of cultural minorities; indigenous people and the disabled/physically challenged.
One of a product of Alternative Learning System is A first year high school dropout, boxing champion, Manny Pacquiao took and passed the (AET) under the ALS program. He was presented a high school diploma, making eligible to pursue college. He was then named as the DepEd's Ambassador for the ALS and People’s Champ for Education. According to Education Secretary, Jesli Lapus, "Manny is an excellent model for all out-of-school children, youth and adults who are determined to learn and are able to gain functional literacy skills outside of formal schooling." And now Mr. Pacquiao is the ALS Ambassador wherein he attended last graduation event of ALS in New era University.
What will happen if those ALS STUDENTS will graduate?
They will have more opportunity in having work. New Era University provide Livelihood Training for both ALS students and Instructional Manager wherein they will use it for Job Referral, Business and other purposes. ALS STUDENTS may continue their study in colleges with the certificate that proven they are eligible to enroll in college schools. And more motivation, hope and inspiration for them.
Well, to prove that ALS is eligible here's the Legal bases of the Alternative Learning System:
1.) Constitution of the Philippines 1987, Art. XIV, Sec. 2, par. 5: "Provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out-of-school youth with training in civics, vocational efficiency, and other skills."2.) Executive Order No. 117, Sec. 5 - prescribing the powers and functions of the reorganized ministry of education, culture and sports
3.) DepEd Order No. 32, s. 1972
4.) Proclamation No. 480, dated October 16, 1989 (creating the EFA National Committee)
5.) DepEd Memo No. 101, s. 2001
6.) DepEd Memo No. 344, s. 2000 - PASUC (for government owned/controlled)
7.) DepEd Memo No. 533, s. 2000 - access to MFI
8.) DepEd Memo No. 110, s. 1999 - TESDA skills training programs
9.) DepEd Order No. 20, s. 2000 - a chance to acquire eligibility for government employment positions under CSC Resolution No. 499
Hi! I just want to know when is the schedule for ALS exam for 2013? thanks so much..